Monday, May 18, 2009

Growing Out of My Apathy

I spent roughly 20 years in apathy, of which I believe some of the first few can be excused. College expanded my horizons and I started to question things I was taught.

I began to blog about religion under the pseudonym "Amiable". If my family knew about my religious opinions (they may have their suspicions) they would probably blame my change of heart where religious matters are concerned on my university education, and they would be right. It was education that led me here, and I am puzzled as to why this would be considered a bad thing.

After a while I abandoned my blog about religion, as I eventually do many of my interests. I run kind of hot and cold that way.

My feelings about religion have not changed, but my interests in other things have expanded. I no longer want to only write, discuss, or think about one topic.

On a side note, I recently learned that only one space is required after a period, not two. I am working to amend this habit, although I can't understand why it was taught to me in the first place, as I never have used a typewriter.

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"The only way to make sure people you agree with can speak is to support the rights of people you don't agree with." -Eleanor Holmes Norton